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Psoriasis: Overview, Causes, Types , Treatment

Lets know what is "Psoriasis'' 

Psoriasis is an Autoimmune disease ( Which comes from an abnormal immune response to a normal part of your body)  and is characterized by red or purple spots of abnormal skin. When it starts , you may see a few red bumps on the skin then they may get larger and thicker and a scales get on top.

Normal skin cells rise away too fast and accumulate on each other . It is generally thought to be a genetic disease that is caused by environmental factors .

Scales normally develop on joints and  may develop anywhere on the body including (hands, neck,face, feet, scalp, nails ,area around genitals). 

Types of psoriasis

Ÿ    Plaque psoriasis 

It is the most common type . 80% of people with this condition . These patches are covered with scales or plaques

Ÿ   Guttate psoriasis

It is common in childhood. This type causes small pink  patches .

Ÿ   Pustular psoriasis

It is common in Adult. It causes white spots which fill with pus . It is localized to small areas of body.

Ÿ   Inverse psoriasis

It develops under armpits , breast , in groin,or in folds in genitals.

Ÿ   Erythrodermic  psoriasis

It is a rare type . This cover large parts of body. The skin appear as if it's burnt.

* This kind of disease appears to be life-threatening, so the doctor's instructions must be followed immediately.


It varies according to the form of the psoriasis and it's position. At first ,you might think it is just an annoying skin condition , but it might lead to psoriatic arthritis (an inflammation of joints ).

-The most common symptoms are:

Ÿ   Red,raised, inflamed spots of skin

Ÿ   Dry skin with cracks

Ÿ   Patches with feeling sore and burning sensations

Ÿ   Painful and bloated joints

*some people get a lot of severe symptoms for a few days or weeks ,then they become imperceptible . Then , a few days come later ,the condition revitalize again, but sometimes , symptoms go away       completely.

N.B (if you have a low intensity signs of the condition (with low manifestations of disease) , you might be in "remission".

Pictures of psoriasis 

Risk factors

There are two factors to say that these are the causes :

A- About the Immune system

It is a result of the body attacking itself . Specially, the T cells attack the skin cells by mistake. In Idealistic body, T cells attack bacteria and fight for the body from any infection but in this case the attack is mistaken. This cause the skin cells to develop too quickly and pushed to the top of skin where they accumulate then a scale is formed.

B- Genetically

You can pick up some genes that make psoriasis develop . If your family members are with this skin infection, your chance to have psoriasis is higher.
Approximately 2 to 3% of people with gene develop the condition,according to "National psoriasis foundation" .

Incentives of psoriasis 

A- Stress and I mean here the high stress which increases the risk of flaring up the disease. So learn how to mange your stress and this will prevent your infection.

B- Alcohol, drinking alcohol can activate the disease and make it flare up . As a wise, Reducing Alcohol is  of benefit for your health not for your skin only.

C-  Injury like cut or sunburns.

D-  Medications; some medication include  (  Lithium, antimalarial drugs, high blood pressure drugs) 

Treatment of psoriasis

When coming to talk about treatment, there is no cure for psoriasis. So the aim here is to reduce the scales formation inflammation and the growth of skin cells

Let's divide the methods of treatment into 3 methods:

 Ÿ   Local treatments:

Using creams and ointments directly to skin can be useful for decrease psoriasis. This include

1.         Topical corticosteroids

2.        Anthralin

3.        Vitamin D analogues

4.        Salicylic acid

5.        Moisturizer

Ÿ   Using medications :

People with severe infection who didn't respond to other methods , need to use oral or injected medications (absolutely with side effects) but for short time . This include :

1.        Methotrexate

2.        Biologics

3.        Retinoids

      4.        Cyclosporine (sanimmume)

Ÿ   Light therapy;

Using (UV) or natural light can be a treatment . Also sunlight can help in decreasing the attack of skin cells to itself . Both UVA and UVB light may be helpful in reducing symptoms from mild infection to moderate psoriasis.

Ÿ   Natural alternatives to mange psoriasis ;

1- Aloe vera

2- Apple cider vinegar

3- Capsaicin

4- Dead sea salts

5- Oats

6- Coconuts oil

7- Lavender oil

8- Tea tree oil

  Life with psoriasis

Around 7.4 million people in USA have psoriasis. Between 30 and 33 percent of patient will be with arthritis . This type case swelling ,pain and inflammation in joints (commonly in rheumatoid or gout patients).

people with psoriasis have depression and Issues of self-esteem . Your confidence will be reduced when you see splotches on your skin . This affect your emotions and mental  health . If you're over weight , take care that Healthy diet, perfect weight, and a good diet can keep you from getting infected  and make your mental health better.

 The most deliberative question (Is psoriasis  contagious??)

   - No,it isn't contagious . Skin condition can't transmit from one to other. 

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