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Treatment of Asthma


Asthma Inhaler

A- What is ''Bronchial Asthma''

 it is an allergic disease characterized by attacks of expiratory dyspnea and wheeze due to spasmodic contraction of bronchioles. 

B- Types Of Bronchial Asthma 

* Extrinsic asthma ( allergic asthmas ): Usually starts in childhood or in early adult life and is triggered by environmental antigens as dust and pollen or often with a family history of atopy. Inhalation of the allergen brings on an attack within a few minutes.

*Intrinsic asthma: Usually develops later in adult life and does not need a family history of atopy to be present. This type of asthma is triggered by respiratory infections, chemical irritants, and drugs. The primary cause of increased airway reactivity is still unknown.

C- Symptoms

1- Difficulty and shortness of breath with persistent cough.

2- Chest pain and tightness

3- Wheezing and attacks of expiratory dyspnea.

4- Respiratory infection may worsen breathing and here you must see the doctor immediately.

5- Breathing is very difficult if you are asthmatic and have a common cold. 

D- Treatment by medications

1- B2 blocker agent ( people usually take salbutamol as a good medication for asthma )

2- M2 blocker agent ( people usually take theophylline as a good medication for asthma. Doctors usually prescribe this medication and B2 blocker agent together )

3- Corticosteroids are given also in severe asthma. 

D- When to see the doctor?

1- When you have a persistent cough and shortness of breath.

2- When the medications your doctor prescribes is not helpful and the disease is getting worse.

3- when a sudden severe attack of asthma comes.

C- Some advice and how to prevent asthma?

First, try to get a vaccination if you have pneumonia and tell your doctor more information about your family history of the disease if they have it.

Second, try to take the medications as your doctor prescribed to you so you are out and away from any side effects.

Third, you should always monitor your breathing and see if the medications given to you are actually of benefit to you. 

Fourth, try to get away from places crowded with allergens like dust and pollen and always clean the filter of the air conditioning.

C- what if you neglected yourself ? 

Your lungs will get 2ry bacterial infections and this might turn bad on your lungs and your health. You may notice difficulty in your day when coming to exercise or walk. You may notice fatigue and cyanosis. You may have psychological effects like depression and anxiety. 


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