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Everything you should know about cellulitis

What is cellulitis:

It is a bacterial infection of the skin, the area of infection suffers redness and inflammation and the size of redness may get bigger by the time.

It is usually painful in touch and the area may suffer swelling and tenderness.

It commonly occurs in legs but it can occur at any site of the body.

It usually occurs when there are skin abrasions and the skin got infected by a bacterial infection. If you have a health problem like diabetes this might turn badly on you and must rapidly see the doctor.

Cellulitis is life-threatening if not treated. Unfavorable complications may result. so go to the doctor immediately.


I- Hotness and Redness at the area of infection

2- Painful sensation at the area of infection

3- Rapidly growing rash

4- Fever

5- Abscess with pus formation

6- Fatigue

7- Sweating

8- Muscle pains


Staphylococci bacterial infection is the most common cause but also streptococci can cause cellulitis.
The infection rate is high when there are surgical wounds or cuts in the skin.

A picture of cellulitis: 


Doctors usually prescribe antibiotics for 1-2 weeks according to the case. Pain killers can be prescribed also.

Try to have plenty of rest and always decontaminate the area with disinfectants.

Usually, cellulitis doesn't last long, but it may take a long time to be cured if you are severely infected.

Talk to the doctor if you still not feeling better. If you have a persistent fever and the symptoms got worse than before.


Your doctor will have a physical examination, this might show swelling in the affected area with redness and hotness

Your doctor might not be precise if it is cellulitis or not, so a blood sample or skin scrapings may be taken to confirm the disease.

Can people transmit the disease? 

People cant transmit the disease. You are highly liable to get the infection if you have skin abrasions or skin diseases.

Decreased immunity may flare up the disease. so talk to the doctor about the best medications if your immunity is down.

Risk factors: 

1- Skin abrasions

2- Decreased immunity

3- Skin diseases

4- Leg swelling


1- Shock and death.

2- Sever tissue damage which may end up with gangrene.

3- Systemic infections.


Always decontaminate the area injured, try to treat skin abrasions,  talk to your doctor if you have other skin diseases.

Wear protective shoes when you go outside for a run or for a game.

If you have other diseases like erysipelas or diabetes or deep venous thrombosis, then talk to your doctor as these decrease the immunity and flare up the disease.

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