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Cyanosis: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment

What is Cyanosis

Cyanosis means bluish discoloration of skin and mucous membranes due to increase in percentage of reduced hemoglobin ( more than 5gm/dl )

Usually the blood is bright red when the blood is rich in oxygen, but when it decreases much more than expected, it causes the blood to be dark red which reflects bluish coloration and ischemia of the tissue.

Types of Cyanosis

1- Central Cyanosis

It means blood ejected from the heart contain reduced hemoglobin content and that is due to many causes. Here they are:

*  Lung diseases = [ Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease - Lung Fibrosis - Pulmonary Collapse - Massive consolidation of the lungs ] 

* Heart diseases = [ Right to left shunt which is a cardiac shunt in which blood is ejected from right atrium to left atrium which is actually present normally in some animals and abnormally in humans - Eisenrnininger Syndrome ( 1 ) -  Transposition in Great vessels - Asphyxia ] 


1- Skin 

2- Conjunctiva 

3- Inner lips 

4- Tongue
Warming: There is no effect and can be cured by medications

O2 Therapy: Improvement in case of chest diseases only

Clubbing : May be present

2- Peripheral Cyanosis 

It means blood ejected from heart is normal but the locally blood vessels are constricted or maybe due abnormalities in blood vessels or severe cold.


1- Cold temperature

2- Marked decrease in Cardiac output 

3- Peripheral circulation disturbance - polycythemia 

4- Venous obstruction 


1- Tips of the fingers

2- Tip of the nose

3- Cars outerlips 

Warming: Cyanosis may worsen so try to look for the cause if you know, or go for a doctor.
O2 Therpy: There will be no improvment

Clubbing: Not present

3- Differential Cyanosis 
The clubbing is usually limited to the lower limp only as in " Patent ductus arteriosus " 


1- Cyanosis, most commonly central cyanosis

2- Shortness of breath

3- Easy fatiguability

4- Syncope

5- Palpitation

6- Chest pain 

7- Bluish coloration of mucous membranes

If you notice these symptoms, then you have to see a doctor. 


1- Treatment of cyanosis depends on treatment of the responsible cause rather than symptoms

2- Gentle warming of the fingers and toes for people have peripheral cyanosis due to some conditions like [ Raynaud's disease - severe cold ] may help to reduce the symptoms.

3- Oxygenation and adequate ventilation 

4- IV fluids are given to patients suffering absorption as a complication of central cyanosis

5- If septicemia occurs, begin the treatment with broad spectrum antibiotic then go for a full septic screening 

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