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Hypertension: Types, Causes, Symptoms, Classification ,Treatment.


People all over the world suffer increased blood pressure with associating symptoms often annoying and may be dangerous for them. They usually have no idea about the bad lifestyle they have or even don't care. It usually matters because your health needs to be stronger so you have to talk to your doctor usually about your symptoms.

Don't be afraid, mostly you can handle your increased blood pressure but with care and follow up with the doctor.

Hypertension is increased blood pressure, usually arterial. In adults it is defined as persistent elevation of Diastolic blood pressure more than 90 mmHg or Systolic blood pressure more than 140 mmHg. 

Types of hypertension

Systolic hypertension:

It means the blood pressure when the heart contracts to pump the blood to your body.

elevation of Systolic blood pressure more than 140 mmHg with diastolic blood pressure nearly equal to 90 mmHg

It depends on Cardiac output ( Stroke volume x Heart rate )

Diastolic hypertension:

It means the blood pressure when the heart is at rest.

Now the diastolic blood pressure is the one elevated more than 90 mmHg. 

It depends on Peripheral resistance and viscosity

Causes of hypertension

Endocrinal causes:

1- Phenochromycotoma ( Elevated blood levels of adrenaline due to a tumor in the adrenal gland )

2- Cushing syndrome ( Elevated blood levels of cortisol )

3- Conns disease ( Elevated blood levels of aldosterone )

4- Thyrotoxicosis ( Elevated blood levels of T3, T4 ( Thyroid hormones ) )

5- Hyper-parathyroidism

6- Acromegaly ( Elevated blood levels of growth hormone )

Renal causes 

1- Renal artery stenosis

2- Nephritic syndrome

3- Renal tumor 

4- Renal failure

5- Poly-cystic kidney

Other causes of hypertension

1- Atherosclerosis

2- Complete heart block

3- Increased salt intake 

Classification of hypertension

Symptoms of hypertension

1- Severe headache

2- Confusion with fatigue 

3- Chest pain and dyspnea

4- Retinopathy and problems with vision

5- irregular heart beat, it may lea to arrythmias

Control of hypertension

1- Try to reduce Sodium contents in your food and healthy food rich in potassium

2- Always drink 6-8 cups of water a day

3- Exercise regularly and talk to your doctor if you have irregular heart beat during exercising 

4- Quit smoking. You can do it

5- Quit alcohol as possible as you can 

6- Quit stress. It may sound weird, but you can quit it, read this article ( 1 )

7- If you are obese, then go for a diet to help keep healthy.

Treatment of hypertension by medications

Before taking any of these, please talk to your doctor about the medication and the precise dose and follow your doctor in order to avoid side effects which are usually unfavorable. These are the medications:

1- Diuretics are one of best choices that usually doctors prescribe

2- Calcium channel blockers

3- Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors 

4- Angiotensin receptor blockers

Always feel positive to achieve your goals and always talk to your doctor about your ongoing symptoms and tell your doctor if you are getting well or not.

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