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10 things you should do in age of covid-19

Attention please!!! Do you think this is the end!?

Relax, we all know that covid-19 virus has affected a large number people and has spread fast, but to be honest we should fight against this and we should help each other to move on with this crisis. 

There are 10 things that we should all do to make our life better in these traumatic days.

1- RUN MORE!! : doing exercises these days is very important because it helps your immune system to be more strong against this virus and has a lot of benefits for your CVS and your shape and your self confidence. You should play for 30 min 5 days every week between cardio and strength exercise. 

2-  EAT MORE HEALTHIER: eat vegetables and fruits and good carbs like oat and eat a good source of protein like fish or chicken. Also you may need to take some vitamins if you need plus omega 3. All these things change your body and make you more productive and strong and change your mood. believe me changing your life style plays a major role in increasing your immunity 

3-    BE MORE SOCIABLE: communicate more with your friends and  family so you have a lot of time to feel better and lower the stress and tension.

4-   RELAX MORE: yoga or meditation is helpful to relief stress and make you think better and be more wisdom. Try it now!

5-  HAVE MORE FUN: watch a movie or read a book. You should laugh more in these days to release serotonin and dopamine that affect your mood and make your immune system stronger.

6-  PRACTICE MORE HOBBIES: If you love to do something, this is the perfect time to start, do it more and try new things like cooking, reading, drawing, playing chess. Go for your hobbies right now.

7- GET MORE GOOD SLEEP: from 6-9 hour of sleep at night without interruption as lack of sleep destroys your immune system and increase risk of mental and cardiac problems.

8-  WASH YOUR HANDS MORE: I don’t want to talk about this because it should be a major thing in your life. Try to have 20 seconds with soap before and after you touch anything and please keep distance between you and others and don’t touch your face when you cough, and sneeze in wipe to get rid of it immediately. Stay home!  

9-    CUT ALL BAD STUFF: A lot of things like smoking, alcohol, junk food, stress, excessive sugars and salt, lack of sleep you can do it if you try. Try to cut them all!.

10-  STAY POSITIVE: Nothing to worry about. Be positive and make other people positive. Do not spread false hearsay.

If we stay together and follow our doctors and medical stuff rules and focus in good things, we can move this crisis easily. Enjoy your day now. 

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