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5 Famous ways to do intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting is a method that everyone can use in order to lose weight. It is actually simple and you can do it easily but it needs determination and be strict on your road to lose weight.

In my opinion, there are 5 ways to do intermittent fasting. I will put them all and look for them and see which one fits you. They are all effective and can be really of good results.

1- the 16-8 Method 

In this method you don't have to fast all day, all you have is to put a diet schedule ( Eating for 8 hours and 16-hour fasting ). This method works for most people, you can split the 8 hours available for you in 3 or 4 meals so you don't feel disappointed throughout the day.  this method is termed ''Leangains protocol'' and got famous by the fitness expert Martin Berkhan. 

For example: Try to fast from 4:00 Am to 12:00 Pm, then eat from 12:00 Pm to 8:00 Pm. then fast for the rest till you reach 4:00 Am. Just do this for the rest of the weak. 

Some people may feel hungry and this way cant work with. I can say you can have a cup of coffee, plenty of water,  zero-calorie beverages. 

It is always important to have healthy food in your list. Try not to eat fast food throughout your week.

2- The 5-2 Diet 

In this method, you eat normally 5 days a week, but you split 2 weeks so that you have a very restricted calorie in your 2 days. On the 2 days you choose, women can have at most like from 500-600 calories. while men can have at most 600-700 calories.

This diet is termed ''Fast Diet'' and was popularized by British journalist Michael Mosley.

Many people run their week like this, and we can't deny the benefits of the intermittent diet.

3-. Eat-Stop-Eat method

In this method, you eat normally 5 days a week, but you split 2 weeks so that you fast them all. 

For example: Try to eat normally from Saturday to Monday. On Monday try to Fast all day. This method is for women and men. From Tuesday to Thursday you can eat normally but On Friday you can have what you have done on Monday. So repeat this as much you can.   

It may sound really hard for most people, but if you feel tired or you can move on, then you should go on the 5-2 diet method.

4- Alternate day fasting

In this method, you eat normally one day then fast the following day. and so on. 

For example: 

1- Saturday: Fasting 

2- Sunday: Eating 

3- Monday: Fasting

4- Tuesday Eating

5- Wednesday: Fasting

6- Thursday: Eating

7-Friday: Fasting

This method may sound hard for you as you will have many days the food is food cut-off so see what really fits you from the above-mentioned ways.

5- The Warrior Diet 

In this method, you eat small meals in the morning, then you go for a large meal at the evening. after that, you go fasting for 8 hours.

For example: From midnight to 12:00 Pm ( Fasting ). From 12:00 Pm to 8:00 Pm ( Large meal, you can split it into many meals ). The remaining time ( Fasting ). And so on.

From midnight to 12:00 Pm. eat healthy food not containing high calories.


Intermittent fasting is hard for most people, but it fits largely as it increases your chance to lose weight.

People with eating disorders may find difficulty passing through it. So it is not recommended for them.

Try to not include fast food on your daily list. Stay on the schedule correctly with determination. No doubt your immunity will improve and your weight is decreased.

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