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Erysipelas Symptoms, Causes , Treatment and Prevention


What is Erysipelas

Erysipelas is an infection which is found in skin. It is a form of cellulitis but not the same as cellulitis as it affects the deepest tissue unlike the erysipelas which affect the upper layers in the skin. Both conditions are similar in appearance and can be treated in the same way . 

It most commonly affected adults and infants over the age of 60. Formerly , doctors thought that it affects only the face but national organization proved that it is not correct . 80 % of all cases occur on legs . We can also see erysipelas on the arms and torso .
It is caused by bacteria (group A streptococcus bacterium) . The infection shows a large red speckles on the skin. This can be accompanied by other symptoms.


First, It can include fever, high temperature,shivering and chills. Then,  the skin is affected in a particular area and appear in one of the following;

1.        Redness and warm
2.        Swollen and shiny
3.        mushy to touch
4.        With sharp edges
5.        Can turn to purple or black and warts appear  in severe infection.

These symptoms are unexpected and can be evolving  in few days. 


Bacteria is the main cause of erysipelas .

Skin injuries give the chances of developing erysipelas. Here they are:

Ÿ   Ulcers or bed sores
Ÿ   Animals or insect bites
Ÿ   Wounds after surgery

Pre-existing break of the surface of the skin also give chance to bacteria to cause erysipelas like:

Ÿ   Eczema
Ÿ   Impetigo
Ÿ   Fungal infections

There are some ways which can cause erysipelas without affecting the skin directly like

A-  Obesity

B-  Alcoholism +  Poorly controlled diabetes and weakened immune systems (with some medications like cancer drugs and any medication used after organ transplants)


Ÿ   It is important to be treated early so it doesn't get further complications .

Ÿ   Depending on the severity of your condition,some can be treated at home but anothor should go to hospital .

-if you found your condition early , you should follow home care:

To reduce swelling,The affected part should be raised higher than the rest of your body . You should also drink plenty of fluids and walk from time to time to try and prevent clotting (if the affected part is your leg).

Ÿ   Medication you get from doctors:

If you have a mild case , Antibiotics is advised in this case  like penicillin (but it is essential that anyone who is allergic to penicillin should tell his doctor before starting treatment so it can take other antibiotics like erythromycin or cephalexin). 

It will be taken from 7 to 14 days. 

In more severe cases ,it is best to put the antibiotic ointment directly into the skin or can be given (IV).

1. Anti-fungal medication for athlete's foot may be required if this is the case .

2. Anti inflammatory painkillers such as ibuprofen help to relieve pain. Surgery is indicated in rare cases that have progressed rapidly and got the health tissue dead. 



You can follow some steps to reduce your chance to be infected :

Ÿ   Always keep your wounds clean and don't scratch your skin

Ÿ   Make sure about any skin problem are treated perfectly like eczema.

Ÿ   Treat athlete's foot if you have it.

It is  important to see your doctor as early as possible if this is not your first attack .

A wise: if you are overweight or with a bad circulation , this can increase your chance to develop your infection
So , change your lifestyle and go on a diet to prevent complications and to be healthy all time and also to prevent more than one infection. 

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