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All you need to know about meningitis

- In this article I will take you through a long journey about meningitis, in which I will include everything related to it.

What is meningitis:

- Is an inflammation of the meninges covering the brain and the spinal cord. It usually protects them. But sometimes it maybe infected with a bacterial or viral infections as these are the most common causes of meningitis.

- The fluid surrounding the meninges becomes infected and then meningitis is obtained.


Causes of Meningitis:

A- Viral and bacterial infections are the most common causes the third is fungal infection and the parasitic infection is on the list. Usually the viral or bacterial meningitis can be transmitted by sneezing, hands shaking, coughing, but there are other causes that lead to meningitis other than what I mentioned above. Here they are:

1- Fungi
2- Drug abusers
3- irritation of the meninges by chemicals


1- Viral meningitis symptoms

[ Headache - Muscle pains - light sensitivity - stiff neck ]

Diagnosis of viral meningitis is by taking blood samples or CSF.

2- Bacterial meningitis symptoms
  • Nausea and Vomiting
  • Fever with Chills
  • Headache and Neck stiffness
  • Muscle pains and Lethargy
  • Light sensitivity
  • Confusion and Drowsiness
  • Rash may be present also
       Diagnosis of bacterial meningitis
Usually a CSF (Cerebrospinal Fluid) is taken, blood cultures are also done, Imaging techniques may be done also to reveal if any swelling or inflammation Is present in the head.

3- Fungal meningitis symptoms

[ Headache - Muscle pains - light sensitivity - stiff neck - Nausea - Vomiting - Drowsiness ] . Your doctor may have a CSF specimen or a blood sample.

Types of organisms responsible for the disease

A- Bacterial infections [ Staphylococcus aureus and streptococcus pneumoniae, they both cause meningitis and are transmitted by droplet infection. Neisseria meningitidis also causes meningitis ]

B- Viral infections [ Coxackievirus A and B, echoviruses also cause meningitis. these 3 types are most common causes of meningitis ]

C- Parasitic infections [ Astrostronglyus cantonesis - Balisascaris procyonis - Gnathostoma spinigerum. The first 2 are the most common ] 

D- Fungal infections [ it is usually uncommon, and fungal infections are opportunistic. Cryptococcus - Blastomyces - Histoplasma - Coccidiosis ]

Not only infections that cause meningitis but there are other non-infectious causes of meningitis:

1- certain medications
2- Head trauma
3- SLE (Systemic lupus erythematosus)
4- A complication after brain surgery


1- Stiff neck
2- Sever headache
3- Light sensitivity
4- Fever
5- Rash
Sometimes doctors may order MRI or X-Ray or CT scan of the head, they do this to exclude parasitic cysts or diffuse swelling or inflammation of the head that may result in more complications.


Treatment of meningitis should rapid, doctors usually prescribe anti-fungal, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs according to the type of meningitis that you have.
Intravenous antibiotics or antiviral drugs can be given in sever cases or in the cases that are hard to resolve.

Is it contagious:

Viral and bacterial meningitis are highly contagious, measures of protection should be put in mind. Parasitic meningitis is sometimes contagious but this is in case of unhygienic properties, so the advice is to keep hygiene as an essential part in your daily list.

Is there a vaccine:

Bacterial meningitis is the most dangerous and must be treated rapidly, two types of vaccines are present ‘’meningococcal conjugate vaccine’’, ‘’MenB’’. The first is much better than the second as it provides more protection and of more value if you take the booster doses correctly. The second provides low protection as it looks for specific strains.
*Side effect are not severe [Headache – Muscle or joint pains – maybe fatigue].

*People who are at high risk of developing meningitis are the first to be given a vaccine.

1- Farmers and Industries workers
2- Travelers and Tourists
3- Adults above 12 years and Children above 2-3 and their immunity is down.

*Meningitis may be life-threatening if not treated properly and rapidly. The exact cause of meningitis should be detected as measures of treatment differ among most types and causes of meningitis. Try to protect yourself by having a good hygiene. If you feel or notice symptoms or complications of meningitis don’t hesitate to the doctor because it is sometimes life-threatening. Try to spread awareness among people.

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