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How to lose weight so fast: 7 Ways to rapidly decrease your weight

Overweight and obesity related issues due to bad habits in our life is something that makes us sad and unable to make a change.

Nothing is impossible, you can achieve your goal if you have determination and enthusiasm to make a change.

Here I tell you how to lose weight in just few simple steps; Just go for these 10 ways and no doubt there will be a big change for you and your overall health:

1- Try to make a restricted caloric intake throughout your day: Go for these and don't wait. You can do it.

Caloric intake is calculated by knowing your weight and your metabolic rate.

Three equations for calculating BMR

Mifflin-St Jeor Equation:

For men:

BMR = 10W + 6.25H - 5A + 5

For women:

BMR = 10W + 6.25H - 5A - 161

Revised Harris-Benedict Equation:
For men:
BMR = 13.397W + 4.799H - 5.677A + 88.362
For women:
BMR = 9.247W + 3.098H - 4.330A + 447.593
Katch-McArdle Formula:
BMR = 370 + 21.6(1 - F)W
W is body weight in kg
H is body height in cm
A is age
F is body fat in percentage

2- Increase output energy and decrease input intake

Always exercise and go out for a run like 1 hour day walking or 30 minutes a day running, or go for a bike ride, or go for body building and strength games. All these factors help to increase your  basal metabolic rate and so your calories or fat stored in your body becomes depleted by the time.

You can have these outdoor exercises:

1- Walking 
2- Running
3- Meditation 
4- Bike ride
5- Body building
6- Yoga 
7- Zomba

You should decrease your caloric intake so look for fruits and low calorie foods, they are of much more benefit for you. Here are some food that you can go for:

Calories in Common Foods

FoodServing SizeCalorieskJ
Apple1 (4 oz.)59247
Banana1 (6 oz.)151632
Grapes1 cup100419
Orange1 (4 oz.)53222
Pear1 (5 oz.)82343
Peach1 (6 oz.)67281
Pineapple1 cup82343
Strawberry1 cup53222
Watermelon1 cup50209
Asparagus1 cup27113
Broccoli1 cup45188
Carrots1 cup50209
Cucumber4 oz.1771
Eggplant1 cup35147
Lettuce1 cup521
Tomato1 cup2292
Beef, regular, cooked2 oz.142595
Chicken, cooked2 oz.136569
Tofu4 oz.86360
Egg1 large78327
Fish, Catfish, cooked2 oz.136569
Pork, cooked2 oz.137574
Shrimp, cooked2 oz.56234
Common Meals/Snacks
Bread, white1 slice (1 oz.)75314
Butter1 tablespoon102427
Caesar salad3 cups4812014
Cheeseburger1 sandwich2851193
Hamburger1 sandwich2501047
Dark Chocolate1 oz.155649
Corn1 cup132553
Pizza1 slice (14")2851193
Potato6 oz.130544
Rice1 cup cooked206862
Sandwich1 (6" Subway Turkey Sandwich)200837
Beer1 can154645
Coca-Cola Classic1 can150628
Diet Coke1 can00
Milk (1%)1 cup102427
Milk (2%)1 cup122511
Milk (Whole)1 cup146611
Orange Juice1 cup111465
Apple cider1 cup117490
Yogurt (low-fat)1 cup154645
Yogurt (non-fat)1 cup110461
* 1 cup = ~250 milliliters, 1 table spoon = 14.2 gram

3- Go for keto diet 

they are of more benefits for people suffering diabetes type 2 and obesity related issues. (1)

look for these benefits:

1- For people with heart disease as the body usually in the case of a ketogenic diet reduces its fat content and cholesterol and blood sugar. (3)

2- It is useful for patients suffering epilepsy as studies showed that it has the ability to reduce seizures in epileptic patients. (4)

3- In people with cancer. especially malignant brain cancer. Studies showed that a restricted ketogenic diet may help cure cancer.(5)

4- Anti-aging effect as studies showed it is neuroprotective and can help cure the CNS diseases. (6)

5- In Alzheimer's disease as studies showed that it is neuroprotective and has as an anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant effect.(7)

4- Try Intermittent fasting. (11)

Intermittent fasting is a method that everyone can use in order to lose weight. It is actually simple and you can do it easily but it needs determination and be strict on your road to lose weight. go for this link. (11) 

5- Remove alcohol from your list and drink plenty of water. Make this decision right now !!.

Drinking more water, especially before a meal can help you to feel not hungry and full. Thereby helping us to stop eating sooner and consume fewer calories than we otherwise would have. also Alcohol is associated with atherosclerosis and obesity. Try to cut it from now and on.

6- Weight training and bodybuilding programs are so helpful for you 

You should already know that it builds muscle. But there's more good news: If your goal is to shed body fat and your current cardio-heavy workout just isn't cutting it, strength training can be a total game-changer.
"Weightlifting stimulates muscle growth and increases muscle size," explains Kasey Kotarak, CPT, PES, FNS, coach at Highland Fit Body Boot Camp. "As you build more muscle, your metabolism (or energy expenditure) increases because muscle burns more calories at rest than fat." The result: You burn more calories on a daily basis—making it easier to lose body fat. (12)

7- Track your progress as you go through your goals and look if there are changes or not, this will no doubt keep you on track.  

Just think that weight loss alone is not the only determinant of health and fitness, and you should take other factors such as fat and muscle loss and gain into account as well by knowing what foods that you eat and their calories too. Also, it is recommended that measurements be taken over longer periods of time such as a week (rather than daily)  because nothing comes from a day, you need like 2-3 months to achieve a magnificent goal. What are you waiting for right know ?????? Go for your decisions,  you can easily do it. 


we are concerned about your and our overall health. through advises and determination you can achieve your goals. "Try to have a participating partner so you both can encourage each other to have a better results". Said..  Arnold schwarzenegger.

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