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Adderall: Uses and mechanism of action, Side effects, Drug interaction, Risk factors.

General Basics

It is a stimulant drug used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ( ADHD ). It does stimulate the CNS as it is one of CNS stimulants, it does make the brain secrete the dopamine which has an optimistic effect and focusing effect in people with the ADHD. 

It makes Focusing, Paying attention, behavior control, Calming effect. It is not only used in ADHD, but also used in Narcolepsy which is a sleeping disorder. But in fact with its mechanism of action, it does not need to be used in other sleeping disorders. Studies have shown it is best used in narcolepsy so you are awake during the day. (1) 

It comes with a generic form with many dosages 

It has been approved by the FDA ( Food and Drug Administration ). A combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine as a generic form has been also approved. 

Adderall uses


Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is usually noticed in children in early adolescence.

Characterized by increased activity, difficulty paying attention, and problems with focusing and interaction.

Studies have shown that Dopamine loss of decreased secretion in the body results in the ADHD.

So by that ADHD symptoms are relieved by Adderall as it is a dopaminergic stimulant.

2- Narcolepsy  

It is a sleeping disorder usually chronic and people suffer a lot having this disorder. Here are narcolepsy symptoms:

a) Excessive daytime sleepiness
b) Hallucination
e) Nightmares

People with Narcolepsy suffer these symptoms and they have difficulty joining the day with us as they are usually on a sleep. 

Adderall stimulates chemical secretions like '' Epinephrine ", this makes you aware and unable to sleep, it the chemical transmitter of Fight or Flight.

Adderall makes people with Narcolepsy to stay awake during the day and make them paying attention.

Side effects of Adderall 

1- Hypertension 
2- Heart acceleration due to stimulation of epinephrine secretion
3- Insomnia ( difficulty sleeping ) when overdose is taken
4- Headache which is a common symptom 
6- Abdominal pains 
7- Mood swings and change over the time
8- Seizures
9- Muscle weakness 

Adderall in some cases may lead to some serious side effects, if you notice them, you should immediately call your doctor.

1- Vision disturbance being blurred with hallucinations
2- Dyspnea and signs of chest pain may indicate heart problems
3- Fatigue 
4- Aggression is noticed in some cases

People who can not take the medication or on a high risk

Patients with hear disease and psychogenic problems should not take the medication, they should discuss this with their doctors and tell them about their medical history of such diseases. 

Pregnancy and Adderall

No controlled studies or investigations have shown the effects of adderall during pregnancy, but some studies have shown some decrease in baby's weight and withdrawal symptoms may occur that the baby may experience, premature birth also may take place.

Pregnant women should not use Amphetamine as it causes placental hemorrhage, and premature birth with withdrawal symptoms. 

FDA has announced that adderall should not be used when the benefits are equal to side effects or there is some tendency the potential side effects may be more, in this case doctors should not prescribe it.

Breastfeeding women taking amphetamines should be prohibited or prevented from breastfeeding as the drug is secreted in milk and so your baby will have side effects which is totally unfavorable for the baby's health.

Breastfeeding women should tell their doctors about medications that they use and the dosage forms. This usually matters in order to avoid Problems with the baby's health.

Tolerance with adderall

People taking adderall has a high percentage to abuse using the drug and be addicted to it.

withdrawal and adderall 

Overdose taken by someone for a long time make this person liable to have withdrawal symptoms when suddenly stopping the drug.

This type of drug should be gradually stopped so you are out of withdrawal symptoms.

Drug interactions

Drugs like:

1- MAOs ( Mono amine oxidase inhibtors ):  elegiline - isocarboxazid - phenelzine  - tranylcypromine 

2- Acidifying agents

3- Alkalizing agents like bicarbonate and sodium

4- Antidepressants

5- Antihistamincs


There are several factors that affect the presence of the drug in your body:

a) Body weight and size
b) How frequent do you use the drug
c) Food eaten and how much
d) Kidney and liver problems

It actually depends what people ages are and for children too:

from 3-5 years, doctors prescribe 2.5mg of adderall a day , doses may be increased but with a weekly interval.

from 6 years and above, doctors prescribe 5mg of adderall once or 2 times a day depending on the case. Doses may be increased also depending on the cases.

for adultsdoctors prescribe 5mg of adderall once or 2 times a day depending on the case. Doses may be increased also depending on the cases.

the maximum daily dose for adults is 40mg.


Adderall is a prescribed drug used for treatment of ADHD and narcolepsy as it contains amphetamine and dextroamphetamine which are effective against these diseases.

Doctors ask about past medical history of psychogenic problems or kidney or liver problems or heart diseases. 

Your doctor will think about other medications than amphetamine if you are pregnant. 

Breastfeeding women should not take amphetamine due to high risk of placental hemorrhage and problems with your baby

Side effects are unfavorable so follow the precise dose that your doctor prescribed to you

Call your doctor and tell him about any side effects noticed and ask if an alternative drug has to be given or not

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