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Management of stress - Improve your health

To be honest, we all pass through stress from time to time but did you think about what is stress? And how can it affect your health? Did you think about how to manage stress? It is all easy, I will take you through some details that will no doubt help you. 

Stress is how your body can adapt to changes that occur around you and needs a response. A rapid response usually occurs but sometimes you can have chronic stress. Your response may be physical, emotional, mental. but don't panic you can manage it easily. 

It is important to know what makes you stressed and look for ways to handle your actions or reduce stress stimulus from around you. Sometimes the stress may be severe ending badly. so you must look for ways to prevent that.

A- Major causes of stress

1- It is hard for you to lose your job or even feel that the work is pushing too much on you, this might be a major cause of stress. 

2- Studying for your tomorrow's exam. It may sound weird but most people get stressed and then they don't get full marks and some may end up failing.

3- Death of someone very close to you.

4- If you have a problem with your work partner and worried about your salary.

5- Bullying and problems with your relationships.

6- Lack of social support. 

B- Types of stress

1- Routine stress, it is a normal stress that we all go through if we are in school or with family, or with friends.

2- Acute stress, this type of stress occurs when a sudden bad thing happened in front of you like an accident or death of someone. or if you got fired from your job.

3- Chronic stress, it occurs when you suffer stress for a long time from individuals or through your work. 

C- Management of stress

1- Try to meditate, it helps by reducing pressure around you and help you relax and helps to improve your cardiovascular system health. (1)

2- Try to improve your social relationships by creating a positive talk and strong personality. 

3- Try to reduce the pressure around you. If you set in a crowded area full of noise, try to make a part-time of your day to go to a non-noisy place. 

4- Try to sleep 7-8 hours a day. it is important the place should have no lights turned on and of course it should not be noisy.

5- Eat healthy foods and improve your immunity with vegetables and fruits.

6- Excercise regularly, this will improve your health.

7- Try to manage your time and be positive.

 If you are very concerned about your stress and unable to manage it, then seek some help from health professionals. 

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