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10 Spirulina benefits for your health


- Arthrospira platensis (hereafter referred to as ‘Spirulina’) is a microalgae which grows in fresh water, in salt water, as well as in brackish water. It grows best in a highly alkaline environment of pH 10-12.

- Spirulina has been used as a food source for too many years , and is still commonly consumed in some countries in Africa; in fact, Spirulina has served as the sole source of nutrition in some African communities, during which the entire native populations were eating only Spirulina for over a nearly month.

Here are 10 benefits of spirulina:

1- Spirulina is almost Full of Many nutrients 

Nutrient profile of Spirulina

• 180% more calcium than whole milk
• 670% more protein than tofu
• 3100% more beta carotene than carrots
• 5100% more iron than spinach
• more antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity in 3 g of Spiurlina than in five servings of fruits and vegetables

Besides basic nutrients such as amino acids, essential fatty acids, vitamins and minerals, Spirulina supplies many phytonutrients that are lacking in most of our diets. Moreover, Spirulina supplies common nutrients at high levels.  (1)

2- Lowers your incidence of developing Heart diseases  

Sadly, Heart diseases are the most leading cause of deaths in this world, there is no doubt that people want to decrease the chance of developing heart diseases.

Spirulina has a powerful effect in reducing triglycerides and LDL cholesterol level and in-front of it, it increase levels of protective HDL levels, so by that the chance of developing atherosclerosis is reduced and so on Heart diseases incidence are also reduced. (2)

3- May help against Anemia

In a study involving a number of people eating Spirulina supplements, it revealed their hemoglobin content increased by the time and their immune system too !. (3)

4- May help against fatigue and increase your endurance

As a part of Spirulina components, it has a large amount of minerals and nutrients, also antioxidants which play a role in healing muscle damage. (4)

5- Control your blood glucose  

Studies involving type 2 diabetes people showed their blood glucose decreased wen they took small amounts of Spirulina during their day. (5)

More studies also are being held, HbA1C is a test that gives an idea on how your blood glucose is controlled. People taking Spirulina are told to have this test regularly so they are up to date with controlling blood pressure. 

6-It decreases your nose congestion and symptoms related to Allergic Rhinitis

Studies have shown that Spirulina was associated to decreasing Allergic rhinitis which is an inflammation of the nose. (6)

More studies are being held to have more evidence and proof on its effectiveness.

7- Reduce the incidence of developing Cancer 

Although there is not a great deal of human clinical research, there are numerous studies showing Spirulina’s potential to prevent carcinogenesis and to shrink tumors in animal models. 

 Research has been conducted in the last six years on phycocyanin’s antitumoral effect. The results have proven very promising:  (7)

• 49% decrease in the proliferation of leukemia cell lines 
• 50% decrease in the proliferation of hepatocellular carcinoma (liver cancer) cell lines 
• significant decrease in HeLa cells in vitro compared to control cells (34) (HeLa cells are an immortal cancerous cell line extracted from cervical cancer cells in 1951) 
• inducement of apoptotic features including cell shrinkage in these same HeLa cells 
• impedance of the reproduction of HeLa cells  
• in conjunction with selenium, phycocyanin was found to be a potent antiproliferative agent against human melanoma cells and human breast adenocarcinoma MCF-7 cells 

8- Has anti-inflammatory properties and big number of antioxidants

Oxidative damage can affect your DNA sequence and cells and make you prone to cancers and inflammations.
This damage can drive chronic inflammation, which contributes to cancer and other diseases (8).
Spirulina is a famous source of antioxidants, which can protect against oxidative damage.
Its main active component is called phycocyanin. This antioxidant substance also gives spirulina its unique blue-green color.
Phycocyanin can fight free radicals and inhibit production of inflammatory signaling molecules, providing impressive antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects.

9- May reduce hypertension 

High blood pressure is the one of the most common causes for heart attacks, strokes and chronic kidney disease.
Studies showed a dose of 4.5 grams per day has been shown to reduce blood pressure in individuals with normal levels (910).
This reduction is thought to be driven by an increased production of nitric oxide, a locally signaling molecule that helps your blood vessels relax and dilate (11).

10- May help you lose weight 

People can usually lose weight if they eat less calories than needed a day. Spirulina is a high-nutrient, low-calorie food that contains a lot of nutrition in a small amount of powder. Introducing spirulina to the diet may help people lose weight without losing nutrition.
The results of a 2016 double-blind placebo-controlled trial suggest that spirulina may aid weight management. In the study, people who were overweight and regularly ate spirulina for 3 months showed improved body mass index or BMI.


Spirulina is highly nutritious and shows great diversity and higher concentrations of nutrients compared to other food sources. In fact, it is among the most nutritious, concentrated whole food sources found in nature, contributing to its being known as a superfood. 
• Spirulina shows potent immune stimulating effects 
• Spirulina shows promise as a cancer preventative agent and in the treatment of tumors 
• Spirulina shows far ranging cardiovascular benefits including improvement of blood lipid profiles, prevention of atherosclerosis, and control of hypertension.

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