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10 foods you should eat to boost your immune system

1- Kiwi

Kiwis are one of the best fruits that have a lot of nutrients. It has vitamin C which is important for helping the body fighting infection. Vitamin k and potassium and folate and vitamin B6, these vitamins help to keep the body functioning properly

2- Spinach

This has a lot of minerals and vitamins, Vitamin K is the major constituent of it. it is important for the clotting system and bone health. it is also rich in minerals like manganese, magnesium, vitamin B2. spinach is important for your red blood cells. it really fights anemia and helps you look healthy.

3- Garlic

garlic helps cure hypertension, it reduces high cholesterol levels, it is beneficial in digestion. it boosts metabolism and is sometimes used as a painkiller. sulfur compounds in garlic stimulate the immune system to fight cancer, it is used in viral infections also.

4- Seafood

Seafood is a major source of omega-3 which is important for the functioning of the heart and the brain, this lowers the cholesterol, it also aids in treating infertility, seafood is important for thyroid gland functioning which secretes thyroid hormones that are an important part of the immune system when coming to fight cancer. It is full of vitamin C which is important for your skin health. and alot of other vitamin and minerals which help the immune system function properly.

5- Watermelon

watermelon is a major source of potassium, which is important for people fasting. it has third the daily needs for vitamin A and C that your body needs. it reduces blood sugar level, it also reduces heart disease risk, it fights cancer and boosts the immune system.

6- Citrus fruit

Citrurs fruit includes grapefruit, lemons, oranges. citrus fruits are full of vitamin C which is important for the immune system and for your skin also. Most people return to oranges in case of having cold, or mild community infections.

7- Broccoli

Broccoli has been chosen by a wide number of people for its important nutrient components. It has a big number of antioxidants and plenty of vitamin C . people who are also on a diet put broccoli in their daily food requirements.

8- Red bell pepper

It is full of vitamin K and vitamin C and manganese. it promotes eye health. it is good for a diet plan so it helps in reducing weight. it reduces blood sugar.

9- Sunflower seeds

It is full of vitamin E which is a powerful antioxidant. older people prefer this type of food due to their decreased immunity.

10- Carrots 

It is full of carotenoids, it is converted in the body to vitamin A which is important for the eyes and skin. it also regulates the immune system.

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