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Coronavirus pandemic

? what do we know about viruses

Viruses are very small microorganisms that cannot be seen by the naked eye. an electric microscope is needed to see these small creatures. viruses differ in their structure as to whether be enveloped or not or even to have a DNA or RNA. they cant have both. but if we look to the good side, efforts were made by scientists in order to handle the most important aspects related to viruses from the disease to control and treatment. As we notice the rapidly spreading coronavirus these days. we must also look to other viruses that had been pandemic and deadly like the Spanish flu virus, we also know about the deadly Ebola virus, Rabies virus is also dangerous,  yellow fever and zika virus transmitted by ades mosquitoes 

? What is Coronavirus

It is a large enveloped RNA virus. there are many types of coronavirus ( 6 serotypes mostly non-pathogenic) . the most dangerous types are SARS . MERS-CoV . the first causes the severe acute respiratory syndrome, the later causes a fatal type of pneumonia. The newly discovered coronavirus {novel Corona Virus} according to researchers and medical professionals it causes a severe form of pneumonia with some GIT problems ranging from vomiting, diarrhea 

? Site from which is transmitted

Bats are the usual reservoir hosts for the disease. some said pangolins, camels were also the reservoir .hosts for the older forms of Corona family 

 ? Mode of infection

Through droplets formed when somebody sneezes or coughs, or from nasal discharge, the virus can stay also up to 3-4 hours in the air so anyone passing through a place where someone sneezed will probably get the infection.

? Symptoms

non-productive cough or dry cough, fever, dyspnea, maybe diarrhea or not. runny nose, pain , fatigue.

 ? Is there a treatment 

Till now there could be no treatment for the virus, usually, a vaccine may take from 1-2 years to be formed. but measures of protection from the virus are taken worldwide now. Antipyretics would be useful to decrease the symptoms but if no value in virus eradication

 ? How to protect yourself from the virus

It is important to stay home and not to contact others. being away from crowded areas would be of important value, it is better to wash your hands daily, wear surgical masks or N-95 mask. the later is of much more protection. If you feel tired seek help 

 ? are there healthy foods that improve immunity 

 . foods like vegetables and fruits are the best sources to eat. try to look for vitamin C, zink, omega 3, probiotics. these would help to improve the immunity

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