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Can we fight overweight and obesity-related issues?

* Overweight is a complex disease related to increased body fat, which actually makes you prone to infections and diseases. It is of medical concern and people should take it seriously as its complications may be unfavorable. 

*  people have difficulties in fighting obesity and to be honest, people also die from obesity-related issues. Some may have an opinion about it and don't care, and some don't. In this article, I will talk about obesity-related diseases and how to tackle this thing.

A - Causes of obesity 

1- A sedentary lifestyle and lack of exercise or physical activity are for of course one of the major causes behind obesity. People tend to set for a long time on the internet or prefer sitting at home instead of going on a run with their friends. Setting for a long time decreases metabolism and stimulates body systems to store fat.

2- Eating behavior, most people worldwide tend to eat fast and junk food, canned food, homemade food is not preferred for most people. fast food carries a ver high calories that your body does not really need. It also has manufactured and preservative materials that actually damage your body.

3- Genetics also play a role in obesity. Mutations in the Leptin gene and MC4R gene and also the leptin receptor will actually lead to sever early obesity.

4- Built environment and socioeconomic status play a role in obesity. scientists suggest in this pathway that watching TV for a long time, eating fast food, lack of physical exercise. 

B- Related diseases 

1- Insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes, studies found that obesity put up pressure on liver and pancreas, inflammation and increased fatty acids make insulin resistance.

2- Hypertension 

3- Infertility 

4- Arthritis 

5- Severe pancreatitis 

6- Cardiovascular diseases

7- Cancer

C- How can we fight obesity 

easily reverse the causes of obesity in your own life. try not to eat fast food , try to keep the physical activity turned on like once or twice a week. studies found that walking for 30 minutes help in reducing weight. Try to spread awareness among obese people so you and your group can tackle this issue. Eat healthy food, homemade food is reliable and doesn't contain those high calories found in fast food. Try to improve your sleeping and control your medicines by being up to date with your doctor. 

D- Measures to keep on track with your weight

1- Try to calculate the BMI ( basal metabolic index ) and keep it up to date with the doctor.

2- Try to calculate your daily needs of calories so you can lose weight.

3- Try to measure your blood sugar daily if you have type 2 diabetes 

4- Try to call a friend so he can encourage you to lose weight 

E- Always be up to date with your doctor and if you notice one of the complications go to the doctor.

References :
1- leptin and obesity
Zhang, Yuanyuan (et al.)
2-  Overweight and Obesity. National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute website. NIH external link. Accessed June 12, 2019.

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